I auditioned for and was selected to participate in Season 2 of the Qualcomm Invent Off. Spoiler alert: My team (Team Blue) won!
It was a huge amount of fun, and Monica threw me a party with a fancy cake after the final episode aired. If you’re wondering what it’s like to work with me, watching these episodes will give you a pretty good idea.
Our winning project was a device to help diagnose people bitten by a venomous snake. Venomous snake bites kill over 300,000 people a year in poorer regions of the world. Beyond diagnosis, we also demonstrated drone delivery of anti-venom. This is our prototype, powered by a Dragonboard 410C board (in a case that I made during the contest).
On the right in this picture is a “Good Luck Daddy!” sign Meghan made me that we displayed during the contest. That’s why we won, obviously. It now hangs over my desk.

They had a lot of equipment for us to use; even though we were crunched for time I stole a few moments to use one of the laser carvers to make a B9 design: